Stage 1: Discovery Phase

The key to success is that all our services are tailored to the needs of each business and client. The aim is to help businesses participate in visual creative Art programmes to promote key business and strategic priorities, core values, social awareness and community engagement that delivers win-win outcomes. This is why we start every project with a consultative meeting followed by in depth research so as to ensure each project brief is uniquely responsive to our clients needs. Community and/or stakeholder consultation.

Stage 2: Design

Undertake research needed to complete the project brief, drawing on any corporate reports, aspirations for the project as a whole and other good practice. Following this our consultants develop a strategy which will be presented as a detailed portfolio of suggestions outlining artistic possibilities to fulfil the brief. This is the research-led concept development phase where we work out exactly how it will happen and when, what’s involved and the key steps and timing as well as resources.

Stage 3: Implementation

Project management and promotion, progress meetings. Delivery and installation including site research and preparation issues. Implementation of parallel projects such as mentoring for emerging artists, community or temporary projects to run alongside the main scheme

Stage 4: Maintenance and Impact Evaluation

Review period and decommissioning; monitoring and evaluation process; maintenance plans and responsibilities.

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